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Metabolic Phenotyping Core

The Metabolic Phenotyping Core at the Penn State College of Medicine was created in 2021 in part through an NIH S10 award (1 S10 OD026980-01).

The core’s mission is to support research that requires the comprehensive assessment of energy balance and body composition in experimental rodents (mice and rats) by providing the necessary equipment and expertise. Services include training in the use of the equipment, consultation on experiment design, and help with data analysis.

Instrumentation and Services

Bruker TD-NMR LF100 Minispec

Provides non-invasive measurement of fat, lean and fluid mass in conscious rodents using time-domain magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Bruker LF100 Minispec machine, a gray cube with a circle in the middle, with a computer screen to the right.

TSE PhenoMaster System with integrated Stellar Telemetry

The Phenomaster System is an automated home cage phenotyping system that provides metabolic, behavioral, and physiological data in conscious rodents. This system continuously and simultaneously measures food and water intake, energy expenditure via indirect gas calorimetry, body weight, and locomotor activity. The Stellar Telemetry system assesses vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, EEG, and EMG.

Shelving system with individual racks on each shelf.
A Phenomaster System rack with a clear tub in front of it.

Procedures, Protocols and Forms

Citation Expand answer

All publications, press releases or other documents that result from the utilization of any Penn State College of Medicine Institutional Research Resources including funding, tools, services or support are required to credit the core facility and associated RRID for each core used. Use of an instruments in the Metabolic Phenotyping Core should include the following:

“The Metabolic Phenotyping Core services and instruments used in this project were funded, in part, by the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine via the Office of the Vice Dean of Research and Graduate Students and the Pennsylvania Department of Health using Tobacco Settlement Funds (CURE). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the University or College of Medicine. The Pennsylvania Department of Health specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions. The Core also acknowledges support from NIH through 1 S10 OD026980-01.”

Investigators must list the names of the instruments that were utilized in the Materials and Methods section.

Work with Metabolic Phenotyping

Fees Expand answer

There is no charge for initial consultations and feasibility discussions. For information on fees, open an iLab request.

Note: “No-shows” and cancellations less than eight hours in advance may be charged for scheduled time.

Scheduling Expand answer

To reserve time on either the Bruker Minispec or TSE PhenoMaster System, please login to iLab and sign up for training. To use iLab, you must have an account and be assigned to a PI’s lab before you will be able to reserve time and use the equipment. See core staff for questions. All potential users of the equipment are required to have completed training prior to using it.

Contact the Core Expand answer
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