Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), also known as Confidentiality Agreements (CDA), Proprietary Information Agreements, Secrecy Agreements, etc., are commonly requested when two or more parties wish to enter into initial discussions about specific processes, methods or technology for the purpose of determining the potential for a future relationship.
An NDA is a legal agreement that defines information that the parties wish to protect from dissemination and outlines restrictions on use. NDAs are also valuable to protect the ability to patent an invention, something that can be compromised if a disclosure of the invention becomes public knowledge.
If you are sharing new processes, unpublished data or other confidential information, you should protect your rights by having an NDA in place.
If it is determined that an NDA is necessary, the investigator should initiate the process by completing the online Request for NDA. Submitted requests will be reviewed by the Office of Research Affairs.
Penn State views the NDA as a tool to allow initial interactions to take place, such as discussions about Penn State’s capabilities and research interests or collaborating on proposal submissions.
Contact Us
For questions about NDAs/CDAs for Penn State College of Medicine, please contact the Office of Research Affairs at or 717-531-4196.