The background image is A word cloud of terms related to women's health is blended with a colored gradient background.
The mission of Penn State Center for Women’s Health Research is to promote research on women’s health and on sex/gender differences related to health by supporting a network of faculty members in multiple disciplines who are interested in research collaborations to study various aspects of women’s health.
The center seeks to promote the development of interdisciplinary research teams and can facilitate mentoring opportunities for junior faculty members.
The ultimate goal is to advance science and contribute to the development of health promotion, disease prevention, health services delivery and health policy approaches to improving health and well-being for women across the life span.
The background image is An abstract background image based on Penn State's signature shield shape
Learn More about the Center for Women's Health Research
What the Center Offers
Administratively based in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, the Center for Women’s Health Research welcomes participation by Penn State faculty members and students interested in research on women’s health and sex/gender issues related to health.
The center offers:
- Access to a network of Penn State investigators who are actively involved in women’s health research
- Access to expertise in the recruitment of women in the region for research studies
- Opportunities for interdisciplinary research collaboration and mentoring
- Access to datasets from women’s health projects, as well as national databases on women’s health
- Measures of women’s health status, health-related behavior and satisfaction with health care, as well as expertise in measure development
- Additional resources for developing and conducting research projects in women’s health
The center was founded in 2004 as the Central Pennsylvania Center of Excellence for Research on Pregnancy Outcomes, with a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (non-formula tobacco settlement funds). It was renamed the Center for Women’s Health Research in 2011 to reflect the expanded research and training agenda in women’s health.
In recent years, the center has been supported by the Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the College of Medicine, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Department of Public Health Sciences and individual donations, as well as by the Robert E. Dye, MD, Professorship and Penn State Commission for Women.
Directors and Staff
Meet the directors and staff of the Center for Women’s Health Research.
Executive Committee
Meet the executive committee of the Center for Women’s Health Research.
Women's Health Research Day
Since 2014, the Center for Women’s Health Research has hosted Women’s Health Research Day. The event showcases new research on women’s health and sex and gender differences from across multiple Penn State campuses. The event is sponsored by the center and includes oral research presentations, a panel discussion, research posters and a keynote speaker.
Women’s Health Research Day 2022
Check back for information regarding our next Women’s Health Research Day.
The Center for Women’s Health Research welcomes donations in support of its mission.
When making a donation:
- Designate the donation amount in the “Gift Information” area.
- For “I would like my gift to benefit,” select “A specific area or multiple areas (please select to see list).” A new window will open.
- Use the scroll bar to see the “Other” option in this section and check the box.
- Click the “Continue” button.
- In the comments box, type Penn State Center for Women’s Health Research.
- Scroll down the page to “Your Information” and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the donation process.
Contact the Center
Phone: 717-531-4356Mailing address:
Center for Women’s Health Research
Penn State College of Medicine
90 Hope Dr.
Mail Code A210, ASB
Hershey, Pa. 17033
- What the Center Offers
- History
- Directors and Staff
- Executive Committee
- Women's Health Research Day
- Donate
- Contact the Center
Administratively based in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, the Center for Women’s Health Research welcomes participation by Penn State faculty members and students interested in research on women’s health and sex/gender issues related to health.
The center offers:
- Access to a network of Penn State investigators who are actively involved in women’s health research
- Access to expertise in the recruitment of women in the region for research studies
- Opportunities for interdisciplinary research collaboration and mentoring
- Access to datasets from women’s health projects, as well as national databases on women’s health
- Measures of women’s health status, health-related behavior and satisfaction with health care, as well as expertise in measure development
- Additional resources for developing and conducting research projects in women’s health
The center was founded in 2004 as the Central Pennsylvania Center of Excellence for Research on Pregnancy Outcomes, with a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (non-formula tobacco settlement funds). It was renamed the Center for Women’s Health Research in 2011 to reflect the expanded research and training agenda in women’s health.
In recent years, the center has been supported by the Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the College of Medicine, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Department of Public Health Sciences and individual donations, as well as by the Robert E. Dye, MD, Professorship and Penn State Commission for Women.
Meet the directors and staff of the Center for Women’s Health Research.
Meet the executive committee of the Center for Women’s Health Research.
Since 2014, the Center for Women’s Health Research has hosted Women’s Health Research Day. The event showcases new research on women’s health and sex and gender differences from across multiple Penn State campuses. The event is sponsored by the center and includes oral research presentations, a panel discussion, research posters and a keynote speaker.
Women’s Health Research Day 2022
Check back for information regarding our next Women’s Health Research Day.
The Center for Women’s Health Research welcomes donations in support of its mission.
When making a donation:
- Designate the donation amount in the “Gift Information” area.
- For “I would like my gift to benefit,” select “A specific area or multiple areas (please select to see list).” A new window will open.
- Use the scroll bar to see the “Other” option in this section and check the box.
- Click the “Continue” button.
- In the comments box, type Penn State Center for Women’s Health Research.
- Scroll down the page to “Your Information” and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the donation process.
Phone: 717-531-4356
Mailing address:
Center for Women’s Health Research
Penn State College of Medicine
90 Hope Dr.
Mail Code A210, ASB
Hershey, Pa. 17033
Women’s Health Research Day
Since 2014, the Center for Women’s Health Research has hosted Women’s Health Research Day. The event showcases new research on women’s health and sex and gender differences from across multiple Penn State campuses. The event is sponsored by the center and includes oral research presentations, a panel discussion, research posters and a keynote speaker.
Read about past Women’s Health Research Day events

Other Events
In addition to Women’s Health Research Day, the Center for Women’s Health Research supports special talks on women’s health and sex/gender differences related to health. See details on past events below.