The specific aims for Goal 3 of Penn State College of Medicine’s Strategic Plan include the following.
Aim 1: Creation and communication of mission and vision statement for Health Systems Science (HSS) within the College of Medicine/Penn State Health organization.

Dr. Ronald Miller, associate professor of medicine at Penn State College of Medicine, presents a humorous slide as he gives the keynote address during the Student Clinician Ceremony on Jan. 5, 2023.
Aim 2: Perform an inventory and assessment of current capacity of staff, overlap with related Strategic Plan goals, resources and programs within Penn State, the College of Medicine and Penn State Health that support HSS-related programs and projects. Provide prioritized recommendations for investment in infrastructure, staffing, and resources and comparison to industry benchmarks or comparator organizations.

An aerial view of the campus of Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
Aim 3: Through collaboration with key stakeholders in Penn State, the College of Medicine, Penn State Health and potential external partners, develop a formal SWOT analysis and strategic plan for a Penn State College of Medicine Center of Health Systems Science. This will include recommendations for governance of the HSS center and business plan.
Aim 4: Develop a request for proposal for HSS projects and complete 2 pilot HSS initiatives (through 2 seed grants) with rigorous assessment of value to organization.
Aim 5: Expand the base of internal expertise by leveraging the Office of Health Systems Science in the College of Medicine to train 4 HSS fellows.